

2023-03-17    来源:    作者:  浏览次数:691

淮安友邦液压机械有限公司 官网:www.haybyy.com

淮安友邦液压机械有限公司坐落于中国液压基础件基地--淮安。毗邻京杭大运河、洪泽湖,风光秀丽、气候宜人,紧挨京沪、宁连高速、新长铁路,四通八达,交通十分便利。 公司设备优良、工艺先进、技术力量雄厚、检测设备齐全、实验手段完善。专业生产中、高压齿轮泵、液压动力单元、全液压转向器、液压油缸、多路换向阀五大类一百多个品种,近两百个规格的系列产品,广泛用于汽车、船舶、农业、工程、铁路、建筑、石油、注塑等机械。 “诚信为本,追求卓越、竭诚服务、精益求精”是我们切实奉行的企业方针,“靠优质产品占领市场,以优秀服务赢得客户”是公司的宗旨。我们将以真挚的热情,竭诚欢迎国内外尊敬的客户光临惠顾,公司质量方针:上帝满意是我们永远的追求。

Huaian Youbang Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Huaian, Chinas hydraulic base parts base. Adjacent to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and Hongze Lake, the scenery is beautiful and the climate is pleasant. It is close to Beijing-Shanghai, Ninglian Expressway and Xinchang Railway, with convenient transportation. The company has excellent equipment, advanced technology, strong technical force, complete testing equipment and perfect experimental means. Specializing in the production of medium and high-pressure gear pumps, hydraulic power units, hydraulic steering gears, hydraulic cylinders, multi-way reversing valves, more than 100 varieties, nearly two hundred series of products, widely used in automobiles, ships, agriculture , engineering, railway, construction, petroleum, inj...
